Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Collecting your Thoughts….a writers advice on one GOT TO HAVE IT TOOL as you write.

You need Tools to build things, whether it’s a book case, a bed, or a barn…you need tools for the job. You can’t hit a nail with your fist. Besides hurting like hell you won’t get anywhere execpt bloody and perhaps a visit to the emergency room.
Writing is the same way; certain tools are needed. For many who write I’m sure that comes as no surprise. Stephen King says he brings his whole tool box from the garage when he writes because he’ll never know what he’ll need.
For me, words are like gold when I write. When I’m writing, I’m constantly trying to find that perfect string of words, that when put together right, form a picture of a place, character, an emotion, or an action that grabs hold of the reader’s mind and puts them there right into the story.
Going back to Stephen King, I found that he is one of the masters at doing that. He is very good at looking at something in real life and flipping it to some analogous turn of phrase that you instantly connect to in your mind. I often seek to emulate writers like him and others. I have found one TOOL (method) gets me close to that type of good writing; being observant about what I see, hear, smell,touch,taste, and then following it up by cataloging that thought down somewhere….anywhere….the memo function on my phone, a notepad, dictation to the phone, a napkin, on my hand (yes I did that once) or even literally telling your signifcant other to remember “this” until I get home so I can jot it down.
Some thoughts strike like lighting about something you experience and you DON’T want to lose it. You may not use it in the current story you are working on but you will surely have need of it in the wee hours of the night when you are searching for that one turn of phrase that will bring it all home in that one paragraph that you are having sooooo much trouble putting to bed.
Words are not cheap so don’t let the gold coins dribble through a hole in your pants pocket to be lost and forgotten. It’s great to be able to go to a cache of magical words and phrases that you have saved up and rummage through it once in awhile and say, hey that would work in this part.
So keep the gold mine open and productive. I superemely HATE it when I forget something that was the coolest thing ever thought of on the face of this Earth.
Below are few of my ”golden” words you might say about every day observations in life. Some are direct form my own brain, some may be stolen you might say from family members, friends, or even strangers that I heard making their own unique observations that didn’t even know they were being original when they said them. Don’t worry it’s okay to steal phrases from others; some of the best words and phrases come from an author’s relationships with others (not talking plagerism of course). Let me know what your thoughts on the tools you use when writing:
Black and white striped sock
looked like the ribcage of a
rat lying in the gutter.
Her skin hung on her bones like
a thin wrinkled suit on a hanger.
I called them bumbies, half bum,half zombie
because of their slow shuffling jerky walk
down the street in their tattered dirty clothes
Somehow I feel I ‘m framed like a picture,
Bounded and contained, my limits are set
at four corners, my face compressed
tight against the glass.
I feel the sharpness of your eyes cut into
me keener than any blade could cut the thinnest
hair in half.
Btw the way did you notice how I picked a Phillips’s Screwdriver for my tool in th title pic above…get it …because my name is Philip…he he he…..oh well..anyways..that’s my attempt at very obscure very subtle stupid humor…then I again it’s not very humorous if I feel like I have to point it out to you guys…:)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Roadkill - Novella just published as an eBook on Amazon!

There are things that lurk in our world unseen, dark creatures lost in a time and a world so ancient as to be forgotten by the same humans who made dark dealings with them so very long ago.
Now per happenstance, on a dark shrouded road these worlds will collide briefly again....
What would you do if you hit and killed something on the road in a raging blizzard in the middle of the night and that something you killed had a companion which meant to force you to make amends for your actions?
Adrian is the thirty-something already troubled family man who suddenly finds himself in that world. Adrian soon discovers it doesn't want him. It wants the thing he holds most dear to his heart. Whom will the thing choose as the price to be paid, Adrian's lovely wife Elisa, or his young eight year old daughter Sylvia?
Following the ancient laws set forth, a balance must be kept, and Adrian the good family man, must pay the price whether he likes it or not. Will Adrian have it in him to fight to keep his family whole or will he give into his fears and past traumas that have haunted him for years and lose the ones he loves along with perhaps his own life in the process?
Roadkill Amazon Ebook  above now published on Amazon as an Ebook for the Kindle and sells for $2.99...OR if you are an Amazon Prime Member you can borrow the book for free with no due date until you want something new to read by me or anyone else who sells in the Select Collection series which contain literally thousands of titles.
The KDP Select Program through Amazon I think personally is a great idea...it basically sets up a fund or bank if you will to allow self publishers like myself to get exposure and perhaps little mula if the whenever the eBook gets read. Notice I said read..not bought . Sure some can buy the book but some members can just borrow it for awhile at no cost. The more my book is borrowed compared to what's in the Fund and what other member's books in the program are borrowed directly affect what I may receive as a stipend you might say at the end of that monthly period. It's possible if you have good book to get to more readers and make more money promoting it this way than simply selling it out right. It pays to give it away to some extent you might say....Speaking of giving it away, I do believe I will have five free days made available to me to offer it to anyone as an Ebook whether your a Prime member or not. I will let you know when that happens. (or you could always buy it before that...hint hint..:) ...)
As always I am submitting my work to publishers, and entering contests. I am now just trying to attack this thing I call a dream of mine on another front to get my work out there.(less to make money but that doesn't hurt either) Hopefully for those who have or might read my work and found it to your liking. Please pass my name along to your friends and family who also might be interested in a good read.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I have always loved the author who could take a character and make you love/hate him or her and then at the end of that story actually make you care if they triumphed, lived, loved , or died.
I am currently in the process of becoming just that type of author (for now you must label me a writer) and this is my first step into marketing myself to the people who might be reading my stuff one day. I hope to hone my craft in the coming months and years through blood and sweat (not to many tears). I hope to toll with bloody fingers to pen and paper and the constant punching of the keyboard. I wish the fantastic to come to life and breath as I dredge them up out of the lighted but darks depths inside my head and put them to paper for your enjoyment and my own of course.
In the coming months, years I will keep you up to date on where I am at in the submission process with all my stories…these things take a while but I’m always pessimistically optimistic about the events in my life…
I will try to keep you entertained with some writing of my mine from the past and recent present, such as some experimental stories, flash fiction, excerpts from novellas or novels I may be working on or have finished with and sent on to publishers for submission. I will also show you some of my various poetry which may entail aspects of fantasy, horror, and the occasional dark matter in life to philiosophical observations of every day life that hope may all be interesting, or thought provoking hopefully.
My style is a work in a progress but I’m getting there. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for listening…and watch out for the shadows in the corners ..things like to hide there and just stare at you.

Until this site gets off the ground check out my other blogging site under my name:  www.philipwardlow.com or my Scribd Submission section: http://www.scribd.com/PhilipWardlow/info